The Charity Foundation For Hearing Rehabilitation, using “BAKHSHESH” as its acronym, started its thorough work as a non-profit non-governmental organization (run by a board of trustees) in the second half of 2016 with the aim to aid needy candidates for cochlear implantation in order to transform them into healthy, fresh, and empowered individuals so that they can help the social and economic development of the country as valuable and effective man power and revive families facing this challenge observing their dignity.

Introducing BAKHSHESH and its Background

The Charity Foundation For Hearing Rehabilitation, using “BAKHSHESH” as its acronym, started its thorough work as a non-profit non-governmental organization (run by a board of trustees) in the second half of 2016 with the aim to aid needy candidates for cochlear implantation in order to transform them into healthy, fresh, and empowered individuals so that they can help the social and economic development of the country as valuable and effective man power and revive families facing this challenge observing their dignity. The goal of this organization is to return health, freshness, and the sense of being useful to its beloved patients not only for them to recover from the misery of deafness and dumbness but to turn them into effective, productive, and useful forces of the society.

This “Bonyad” aims at using the philanthropic assistance of helpful people, the support of caring managers, and the honest and noble efforts of its responsible volunteers to obtain significant results in

the field of healing deafness and transform itself into a national and public center which supports the – – patients and their families.

The first meeting was held in July 2017 to make this charity official and to examine the Articles of Association and other relevant matters. Dr. Mohammad Farhadi the minister of Technology, research, and Science, HajSeyyed Reza Nayeri, the Secretary-general of Khayerin Salamat Assembly, a number of otolaryngologists, a few heads of cochlear implant centers of the country, and a number of caring executives from different organizations participated in this meeting as the founders and the board of trustees, the meeting was held in the office of the Ministry of Technology, research, and science and the structure of this charity was built through the will and power of God.

The founders of this complex took the initial measures to obtain a license and go through the steps of legally registrating the organization through the Ministry of Interior, Welfare, and company registration so that it could benefit from the benevolent facilities of natural persons and legal entities, public and private, domestic and foreign groups and organizations and to gain more support from different classes of the society in order to continue supporting unfortunate patients in every possible way. They were able to register the organization and publish a notice in the Official Gazette and obtain an official license from the Ministry of Interior.

The pathology of this condition regarding the effective factors causing it, studying strategies to change the current conditions, reduction of disease incidence, and improving the quality of treatment and life of the patients were the areas “BAKHSHESH” first considered and worked on soon after it was established so that the patients could continue their journey in treatment, education, prevention, and decreasing the social damages caused by this disability and for them to continue going through the treatment stages until they are completely cured.

The authorities, the public, private, and welfare centers and organizations and the respectable natural persons and legal entities and benefactors must consider the number of patients supported by “BAKHSHESH” due to the high rate of this disease and its high treatment expenses (an average of more than 1000 individuals are born into the population of deaf people every year)

The policy of “BAKHSHESH” focuses on the importance of eliminating the burden of deafness, promoting health, empowering the intended group, and discovering talents, and it concentrated on the flourishing of the target society in order to develop the human capital of the Country. “BAKHSHESH” tries to protect the dignity of the patients and their families from being encouraged to be needy. These patients will especially help the future of our Islamic Home and will help build a brighter future of independency.

BAKHSHESH” being a non-profit and private organization is a characteristic inseparable from its policy and so this organization shall not welcome any action which is not in harmony with this specification.

It is obvious that the people helping this charity could be from all social classes, countries, and political and religious background accepted in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Also any financial and spiritual assistance which is against the established and kind aim of the organization or is donated for the purposes of advertisement shall be respectfully returned to the person or organization providing it.